
Service Activities Committee Meeting

Board of Directors, Vancouver, Canada
PCC Pirkko Vihavainen,LC Juva/Luonteri, MD107 Finland
Chairperson Service Activities Committee

I will give you here some highlights of discussions and decisions at Service Activities Committee March 13-16. Zou can find more information on the website.

Service Reporting
Through January 2024, Lions and Leos have reported 1.1 million service activities, up 6 % from the same time last year. Those activities served 282 million people, a 12 % decrease from last year. In Europe 40 % of the clubs have reported, 0%-78%. Finland, Italy and Tyrkiye have reported 70% or more.
We think that the service in itself is most important. Yes, it is, but why is it also important to report our activities? Here are some of the reasons: Strenghten Storytelling, Inform Decisions, Inspire Service, Grow Partnership, Enlighten Leaders and Be Proud! Please, learn more by visiting our Service Reporting webpage,
Our staff has also prepared guidelines and added project types to make reporting easier to do. Now I ask your club secretary or some respective to nominate and add also Service Activities Chairperson – and all GAT chairpersons and their email addresses in Lion Portal for next lion year.
I would like to encourage you to report every month. When I was the club secretary I put the activities into MyLion immediately when they was done. In the end of the Lion year the annual report was ready for the annual meeting. Keep it simple!

Global Cause Questionnaire
Our committee reviewed the results of the recently completed Lions global cause questionnaire. The importance of our eight global causes varies globally. Mental health and well-being was also measured as a potential global cause. It may be an attractive and motivating cause for younger and potential new members, and many Lions are already addressing this issue via Lions Quest and local projects. The committee requested the Long Range Planning Committee review the feedback at their next meeting.

Kindness Matters Service Award
The committee has selected thirty winners from eighty-five complete nominations. Each constitutional area and global cause were represented among the winners, and four of the winning clubs were Leo clubs.
For next awards, please notice the following dates:

  • August 15: Deadline for club service chairpersons and Leo club presidents to send one nomination to the district global service team (D GST) coordinator
  • September 15: Deadline for D GST coordinator to send on nomination to the MD GST coordinator
  • October 31: Deadline for MD GST to send on nomination to Lions International and copy to MD CC
All nominations shall be sent electronically. Nomination form is available on service activity website.

Earth Day on April 22
This day is an opportunity for clubs around the world to plan an environment service project and invite potential members to join them. Let’s see, if we still have snow in the northern parts of Europe. But Lions are creative and can find suitable activities in every situation!

Mission 1.5 trough Service!